garrit & tom
amazing things are happening this spring!
garrit is using linux now, gentoo linux! installed it on a spare box a few weeks ago and now even installed it on his laptop! no help needed, did it all on his own! only things not workign yet are wireless and somethign to do with power management. Might be solved by now, who knows. concidering that he was a IE&windows kid back in the days when i first started talking to him we all should respect him fo the huge development he underwent! nowadays i actually get told off by him for my lack of (x)html/css knowledge.
the other amazing thing happening is that tom started to learn my favourite language. python! great isnt it? reminds me that i wanted to learn c during the summer. every half decent job a company is offering to students involves either java or c,( if you want to offer me one send me a mail!! but be aware i can only code python but are more then happy to learn a new language, well except of java.
all not very intresting? well here is a killer fact for you!! its warm&sunny here in manchester, yes manchester, UK. in the north of england! spring might finaly have arrived! goign home in two days, seeing my domi again!
garrit is using linux now, gentoo linux! installed it on a spare box a few weeks ago and now even installed it on his laptop! no help needed, did it all on his own! only things not workign yet are wireless and somethign to do with power management. Might be solved by now, who knows. concidering that he was a IE&windows kid back in the days when i first started talking to him we all should respect him fo the huge development he underwent! nowadays i actually get told off by him for my lack of (x)html/css knowledge.
the other amazing thing happening is that tom started to learn my favourite language. python! great isnt it? reminds me that i wanted to learn c during the summer. every half decent job a company is offering to students involves either java or c,( if you want to offer me one send me a mail!! but be aware i can only code python but are more then happy to learn a new language, well except of java.
all not very intresting? well here is a killer fact for you!! its warm&sunny here in manchester, yes manchester, UK. in the north of england! spring might finaly have arrived! goign home in two days, seeing my domi again!