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garrit & tom

amazing things are happening this spring!
garrit is using linux now, gentoo linux! installed it on a spare box a few weeks ago and now even installed it on his laptop! no help needed, did it all on his own! only things not workign yet are wireless and somethign to do with power management. Might be solved by now, who knows. concidering that he was a IE&windows kid back in the days when i first started talking to him we all should respect him fo the huge development he underwent! nowadays i actually get told off by him for my lack of (x)html/css knowledge.
the other amazing thing happening is that tom started to learn my favourite language. python! great isnt it? reminds me that i wanted to learn c during the summer. every half decent job a company is offering to students involves either java or c,( if you want to offer me one send me a mail!! but be aware i can only code python but are more then happy to learn a new language, well except of java.
all not very intresting? well here is a killer fact for you!! its warm&sunny here in manchester, yes manchester, UK. in the north of england! spring might finaly have arrived! goign home in two days, seeing my domi again!


knuth & life style

just listened to a radio interview of donald knuth, the guy who wrote "the art of computer programming", real and windows media streams here.
I am jealous of his life style. It sounds like a perfect job he has, give a lecture once in a while, do some research for your book, actually write your book, write cheques over $2,56 once in a while.
maybe knowing odd values of sin(), cos() of the top of your head is wrong but then if his brain can remember them. thinking about how to brush your teeth with the most efficiency is intresting in its own way.
and without doubt not reading your email is not very clever. it makes it very hard to get hold of you, claiming that most people have nothing to say when they email you and it increases the noise level is certainly true but thats what happens when you are famous. and in general if you are an intresting person. We all know that not taking part in communication is a form of communication too,]]. So you have to be able to afford not taking part and live with the consequences, which are considerably small if you are famous/important enough. because then people will actually try and contact you. A team leader might be important and perhaps even famous for his success rate in the company but still he would just get replaced if he decided to not take part in communication. Forcing the whole team to communicate via snail mail or phone etc would just slow the team down. ppl might think more about what they want to say but you can get them to do that with other measures then taking away email. you dont just take away the mic of someone giving a boring and unitnresting talk. he'll just not get invited back next year,]]
anyone willing to invest in a have time think about awkward stuff fund?
it would be so great being able to work and do stuff because you realy like doing them and not because you have to worry about the money part of being a grownup. perhaps i should just never grow up afterall.
current task is to come up with an idea of how to get a blue peter badge. there has to be something old viewers can do to get one. flat 2 will give it a think tonite.


honda adverts

who makes these honda adverts? why dont other companies ahve cool adverts like these and why isnt honda selling loads of cars these days?
you probably all know this one. quite old and as far as i know has never been on german tv or cinema. what about the uk?
the new honda advert as seen on english tv is amazing too. been walking around uni for a few days having to sing the song...,]]
if you want to have it as a mp3 just tell me in the comments and i'll send it to you
oh and for you who havent seen it yet go to honda.co.uk. there even is a sing along version!
hate something, change something, hate something, change something, make somethign better-r-r-r-r
just by chance i found a list of honda clips go and have a look if you are intrested http://www.honda.co.uk/multimedia/videos.html

Something very cool i have to show you!! hurry before it gets slashdotted. some ppl from cambridge have made soemthing very similiar to the honda ad and its f*cking amazing!!have a look here. Are they that bored over at cambridge? I guess their lectures are as intresting as ours at the moment and everyone is paying attention and is not dreaming or skiving(spelled with an I not a Y!). What are you doing during easter hols?


forced oscillations

have a look at this graph[opens new window]. Anyone know what type of fit to apply to a curve like this? It is some sort of y=A . exp(....) function but just hitting exponential fit in xmgrace doesnt do anything useful. might have to do with the fact we havent got any data points on the other side of the peek. tell me if you know anything about this type of curves and if there is a easy to apply fit.
if you are wondering where the data comes from come and visit the 1st year lab at schuster laboratory, manchester and have fred loebinger demonstrate it. Dont make any rude remarks about the experiment while he is near you and beware he might try and make you an offer for a physics course at our new uni

darkboy & Inesw87

do you have any clue who these two are?
have a look at http://www.darkboy.de.vu and compare it to www.pixelkind.com, notice anything strange? do you own darkboy.de.vu? you got mail!
garrit received a email from Inesw87 during the weekend and fails to remember who on earth he/she is. she seems to know www.pixelkind.com and www.trash-media.de two sites that have absolutly no links pointing to each other. before today that is.
If you are Inesw87 AT hotmail DOT com please tell us!! Garrit believes to have found you in flirtline.de but who knows.
While we are waiting to find out who she/he is all go and visit your favourite web site and tell them how great they are.,]]

tired or just lazy?

blogger.com is crap! I'm not satisfied. How can it be that I hit preview to preview a post and then hit alt+ <- to go back and all i get is an empty create a new post form. how crap is that?
just a quick one now then.
garrit&steffi have been aroudn for the weekend which was great. hope they will come back sometime soon and I think I'll insist on steffi buying more expensive wine next time. Garrit &I had beer, quite luxurious for garrit to drink beer from cans and then just throw them away. is there a photo of this? if not ill have to import english beer when i go back to germany and we'll fake one, oh and when you see a picture of him drinking english beer you better believe its a real one and that there was no photoshopping involved!
remind me to put up that flash xml socket posting i wanted to write will you? Who knows a GPL expert? I could do with soemone that can explain the caveats to me and perhaps even the differences between different licenses. Oh yes I have read the first few hits google comes up with but still.
as mentioned before i'll be going home i.e. rödermark for easter so if you have any requests for stuff for me to carry either way then make them quickly! Hopefully the weather keeps improving or at least no snow so i can ride my little domi round town and into the odenwald again! so lookign forward to this and biga natürlich.
have to leave you and try and do some more work or just cop out because being tired from going out yesterday. great nite at 42nd street, sadly enough it was only the second or third time flat 2 went out as whole sicne we live in CC. some of us even pulled or at least tried to and some even left their mate from london for a girl...(does everyone in this country love the fat?)


first looks

yeah! finaly he site has a new look(read it has a real look now!)
oh and you IE users switch to a browser that can render PNGs probably!!
over the weekend garrit&steffi hav been around enjoying the sta at the canterury court flat 2 hotel...my room turned into a major chaos now. three people is just too much for that little room to keep tidy. I thought i had lost my german ID card after loosing my passport just before christmas, great ey? luckily I foudn it and today steffi had a quick hunt for her car keys so perhaps there is soemthing in/about that room.
of now to have a huge breakfast.


long time no speak

just a quick ping from me that im still alive and thinking about life the universe and why it never snows in manchester.
havent posted in ages and dont realy know why. is this experiment braking down so quickly? yet another deserted blog started because someone believed his/her opinions where so great and intresting that it was worth sharing them? i dont know and probably there are as many posts like this as there are deserted blogs.
i wonder if blogs will turn into a vast ressource for psychology students and researchers. would have the nice effect of cutting down on the amount of (junk) mail i receive on my uni address, bloody all@manchester.ac.uk mailing list and no way of getting out of it as they use it for important things to. who can i complain to about this? or is this part of the deal, as seeing ads when using a freemail account?
took out donald knuth the art of computer programming today wanted to read that book for ages, had a quick browse and seems to be a good choice as a "nite nite tim" book.
actually i took out a load of books durign the last few days and still dont like the main library. why is Fred K. Foobar a different author then Fred Kennedy Foobar and is Ted J. Smith realy someone else then Ted J Smith? is it only me? Do other users experience the same problem or am I just spoiled by google and its AI and expected the libary catalouge be as smart as google. Another point i cant get my head around is why is the shelf with the 005.xxx books directly after the shelf with books having a number starting from 500.xxx ? the shelfe before that luckily has 505-510 on it so at least there the order seems to make sense. also after climbing the stairs and going through the doors how do I now that i have to turn left and go past shelves numbered with letters, they contain periodicals i believe, to get somewhere near to the 505-510 shelve which then magicly turns into the shelf with donald knuth on it. is it just a bit like documentation in a open source project? noone cares because all teh regular users know where to go and newbies find out quickly and its jsut not worth it? IMHO still this isnt an excuse. also this book numbering is realy confusing. 504.1 504.2 504.21 504.3 , hey since when is 21 smaller then 3 ? guess that happens when books are added after the .3 numbers were started but it gets me everytime im looking for a .21 book....wander of to the end of the shelf just to find myself looking at totaly different books.
just improve the searchign facilities and put up some signs in this place! wonder noone has got seriously lost in that place before!
garrit and steffi are coming to visit me, yes!the only reason why they are getting on a plane and coming to this weird place, where cars drive on the wrong side of the road and it never snows is me. unbelievable, ill try and make them drunk and interogate them, with torture, oh no i mean softing up for intoregation, dont say the evil T word, just round the corner in thsi country i might get the home secretary to issue a house arrest warrant for these two and find otu why they realy came to manchester. perhaps they want to meet some al kaida ppl in rusholme, afterall its full of them, who else could run "curry mile"?there has to be a mod behind all those kebab &curry places. perhaps soem serious money laundring and all that police just before xmas wasnt here because they lifted the natwest bank but because of some terror raid.....who knows

good fight, good nite