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arriving in our mansion

we arrived in our mansion today!!

more news &picutres later

no internet in our mansion...,(( yet!

bye bye


lots and lots and lots of miles later

from bristol to rödermark via manchester via oxford

(should it be many miles?)

anyway just arrived back home home home, fairly unexciting as its pitch black outside. my mum and brother have moved my furniture aroudn in my room...think i like it better now...wow!

lots of little issues with the house in manchester have to be solved, like a 1200squid gas bill that hasnt been paid. anyone know who is resposible to get that oen paid? landlord? do th enew tenants have to talk to npower to get it sorted? winter will be very cold without gas*nods*

the microwave doesnt work!!!! tried to cook a tesco (healthy living) microwave curry with rice in it and it started making funny noises and smell awkward and most excinting bit: funny sparks and stuff, no i didnt leave any metal in it!

tom is now looking after my motorbike and i havent received any of this university letters that everybody else has been gettign does this mean i get away with not havign to go to any meetings with tutors and stuff durign freshers week and can just meet new students???


brick lane, east end sam's birthday

fly posting is dangerous

had almost forgotten about this picutre and the fact that i went to see the guys two weekend before last for sam's birthday.
lots more pics at flickr.

she's rite | blogging

meet kate. i really like this post. has more to be said about it?

im getting sucked up by the giant vaccum cleaner that is "blogging". look at the history and you'll see what i mean. is this because I have been in bristol for 6 weeks now and spent way to much brwosing aroudn the net?its crazy. quite like it in some odd way. sittign down with a cup of coffee(yeah that horrible stuff we have at work) and browse aroudn all the blogs i have stumpled upon. not that there is much intresting or "new" stuff in them, most of the time, but still...odd.
could not resist on commenting on this post on bryans blog. think i got there following a link on the autoblography. posting comments is new, one thing to keep a blog open for everyone, hardly known to real life people, and commenting on other peoples posts leaving a link leading back to my blog.

nevermind. album by nirvana as tom told me today, had a gorgeous curry tonite. jamjam. with nan. and ben&jerrys. going to manchester on the weekend!moving into new house! yay! going home(the other one) for a few days, back to manchester, freshers week, all the usual uni stress, awful course on c++, why such a horrible language?, seeing soph again, its been a logn time, but summer has gone by way quick. miss you.
nite nite



this is a webservice i would even think about paying for! yes you are still reading tim-the-cheapskate-student-linux-free-as-in-beer's blog but last.fm is a great thing, even if its not working perfectly when tryin to listen to the music but this might be because of some weird linux thing what not.....*shrugs*
but still i can now jsut enter artist names i can remember and it will tell me which other artists i would probably want to listen to..this is great..have i said it often enough?,]]


dyslexia, a good excuse

head over to the newspaper soon being published in the "berliner format" and read todays article on dyslexia.
I dont know much about dyslexia and havent doen any research on this but i've always believed that dyslexia[wikipedia] is being used as an excuse. It is much easier to be dyslexic then to admit "yes i am not very good at reading". Admitting it would mean it is your fault, in some strange way, you know what I mean. Being diagnosed with dyslexia allows you to not try hard to improve this, you will get extra time in exams, you are kind of special(well with more and more people being diagnosed with dyslexia thats going to change), it lets you sleep at nite because afterall it isn't your fault, its this bloody illness that causes all the havoc.
Whats wrong with this approach? Afterall it seems to be human nature to try and find a way to be able to say "aint my fault, blame XYZ"(we see it in politics all the time). Furthermore I'm not goign to stand up against a whole bunch of scientists and claim that dyslexia does not exist and isnt a genuine illness, it might or it might not this isnt the point. The point is that with parents knowing about dyslexia they'll take their kid to the doctors as soons as they see it having trouble with reading. He will then diagnose and hey presto you only just started learnign to read a few years ago, not good at it and now have an excuse why you are not. Its like someone expectign to learn the art of painting in a few weeks, some people might be able to do it others will take a few months, your mileage may vary. Jim can learn how to paint in 5 weeks, Veronica can, but John can not. So John probably has some illness that prevents him from doing so. Right? What I havent mentioned is that Jim&Veronica are not doign much else then trying to learn how to paint in those 5 weeks, where as John has a fulltime job he has to attend during the week. THe illness theory does not seem as likely anymore does it?
Dyslexia has to do with reading not painting, get to the point man! Are the kids which are diagnosed with dyslexia sitting in front of the telly all day? Playstations? Someone around encouraging them to learn something? Learning is well uncool, it makes your brain hurt, watching the telly does not. There are so many reasons, so dyslexia is a good excuse for parents, they won't have a guitly conscience because their kid is not keeping up with others, afterall it isn't their fault. They then go on telling th ekid "you have got dyslexia, tell your teachers, you just can't read as fast/good as others, but it isn't your fault", fair enough, but they are not going to step back and analyse their way of bringing the kdi up.
You say "Oh this is a laod of bollux tim, it is a genuine illness, once diagnosed the kids received special teachign and all that so they can catch up". You are rigth, but the few dyslexic people I have meet use it as an excuse, it is always in their head and as soon as they get bad marks in language classes due to spelling and stuff they pull out that magic dyslexia card and say "but it is not my fault", but it bloody is, i would be willing to place a substanial amount of money that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the majority of those kids, or even grown ups. ...uhmm make that a small amount of money, Im a student.,)).
Noone ever said "Oh poor tim your crap at PE but it isnt your fault you have "Lankiness" an illness that makes it impossible for you to be good at sports".
So bottomline, dont try and find excuses, dyslexia might can be a genuien illness, im not going to debate that, people will start thinkign im a weirdo as most of them already do because i dislike medcine and the usage of drugs...but thats a whole nother can of worms.

i sort of lost intrest in this article by now, might continue it later or not...off for coffee now. want to get zope and apache" and mod_proxy and mod_ssl up and running, any good hints?

katrin, overhead images

http://ngs.woc.noaa.gov/katrina/ has a set of overhead images taken just after the huricane went over, for the google maps lovers out there


katrin, send by dutch engineers?

would make sense, they want to create a market for their "build a nation below sea level" knowledge..,)) they seem to manage quite well

http://sigmund.biz/kat200509012/index.html lots of pictures from new orleans. taken by The Interdictor. He seems to be a rite nutter but so seem most of the other people left in that city. seems to be rite about quite a few things, in terms of survival but still a nutter.
wir sollten die bundeswehr schicken, die kommen sonst noch aus der übung was das sandsäcke schleppen angeht, wer weiss wann der osten das nächste mal wieder gesäubert, äähh überschwemmt wird,]]

http://sigmund.biz/kat200509012/Picture002.jpg if this is him, I wonder what exactly he did back when he was in the special forces....Oh yeah rite, american special forces, the guys we send in to get killed of, aahh do the special tasks while we finish our curry and then go and have a look if they need more special forces backup.........can the american army deal with water? they seem to have specialised on sand lately

watch files while you sleep

remember i told you about inotify? well its up, head over to trash-media for Inotify for Python!
its only been tested on gentoo-sources 2.6.12-r9 and porbably will not work with the brand new kernel(i.e. 2.6.13-rc3) but im working on it.
have a nice weekend


gentoo on a production server part 2

the beast is alive! now got a snazzy new gentoo machine running on a big server at a secrete location somewhere close to nuernberg.
why bother posting about it? it's a XEN domainU machine.
its running a vanilla kernel patched with xen 2.0.7. no problem at all, untar the xen tar.gz go to linux-$VERSION-xen-sparse and run the mkbuildtree script it will take care of the patching and all the other black magic xen does.

still have to find out which init scripts dont work, if any. the clock one was a bit picky when you run gnetoo in a UML so it might get confuse here, who knows.
except for that, no changes no problems,))
wil go and continue playing...ehhm setting it up now.

still have to find a good backup solution. lvm snapshots look promising. never played with lvm before, we will see. probably end up with outa good backup so if portage breaks anything im screwed..ahhrgg.

python, inotify & kernel 2.6.12

its working!
inotify is a recent addition to the linux kernel replacing the not very nice dnotify, you only have to have ONE open file descriptor to watch many files, not one per file/directory

well read the README which comes with inotify for more advocacy,))

ill tidy up my inotiy for python a bit and then publish it here, its pure python! not like python-inotfy which is a horrendus mess of C and python. oh and it doesnt seem to work.

but this "it does not seem to work" issue is probably due to the fact that inotify has been changing its mind quite often during the last few patches abotu what it wants passed in the ioctl() sys call. sometimes its a fd sometimes it accepts a path...well...the version now merged into the kernel(as of 2.6.13-rc3) uses a completely different API. my script is tested with gentoo's gentoo-sources 2.6.12, if i recall correctly they use the 0.23 inotify patch, but changing fro fd to path should be trivial and shoul happen somewhere in the python code. dont want to bother the user with something like that