it has been quite a while hasn't it? lots has happened. most importantly: my laptop got stolen(from my room, with people in the house)(not really the most important but this is my excuse for not posting anything)
photos, yes, head over to
flickr to have a look at the place Sam, Van, Nay, Pat, Gaz and me call our new home. I have told you about it before.(sorry im to lazy for hyperlinks today, will edit&fix it later)
so what else has been happening? back to uni, in manchester, which is not as wet and rainy as everybody believes
Manchester has a damp climate and a reputation as a rather rainy city. The average annual rainfall is 809mm, meaning that this reputation is undeserved. This total is less than Plymouth, Cardiff, Glasgow, and Edinburgh for example. In international terms, Manchester receives substantially less rain than New York City, which receives 1200mm of rain in an average year and the average annual rainfall total is comparable with that of Rome. -- from Wikipedia
its reading week already, which means i have been back in manchester for a whole 5 weeks already. feels like a few days, maybe 3 weeks but not 5. time flies by at uni.
as a summary of these five weeks: too much has happened to actually write about it now. nothing to exciting, except maybe "tim remind yourself you want to dress up as a xmas tree next year for halloween", talking of reminding me, ever since i forgot about cinema with soph once she is making fun of the pudding thingy in my head i call brain.
speaking of which: am I the only one feeling not PC when refering to girls with the word "babe"?
ill end the post now, fix the hyperlinks, hopefully all before i fall asleep again, yesterday nite was exciting and somehow its catchign up with me. hopefully I know enough about fourier and differential equations for tomorrow mornings mid term test.
talk to you later(yes thats in less then 6 weeks)
ps: oh yeah this time its sophs fault im back to blogging