first blogsystem
this blog is somewhat limited. I have to watch what I publish otherwise some people could get angry. One cant attach keywords to posts and sort them/categories. so heldensaga suggested to use gmail as a blog. It has a pretty interface(in his opinion the nicest you can find), it is well searchable(thank you google), it has lables(essentialy categories, posts can even be in more then one) and most important it has conversations!! it sounds perfect for what I want to do. Only problem is that sometimes I do want to publish stuff I came up with and have people smarter then me comment on them.
POP3 interface, noone knows what its good for, why google put it where it is. One coudl hack together a little script that checks the gmail account via pop every once in a while(perhaps when you hit a publish button on your desktop) and takes all conversations that have a title starting with #PUB# and publish the mail and follow-ups as comments, perhaps there is even a way of getting at the lables via pop3, perhaps we need IMAP for this,]]
it takes the conversation and publishs it as a webpage on a server, if you click "comment" what you realy do is send an email to the gmail account. this is where the excellent conversation recognisation kicks in, gmail sees it knows where it goes and hey presto your done
some query in psyc land
POP3 interface, noone knows what its good for, why google put it where it is. One coudl hack together a little script that checks the gmail account via pop every once in a while(perhaps when you hit a publish button on your desktop) and takes all conversations that have a title starting with #PUB# and publish the mail and follow-ups as comments, perhaps there is even a way of getting at the lables via pop3, perhaps we need IMAP for this,]]
it takes the conversation and publishs it as a webpage on a server, if you click "comment" what you realy do is send an email to the gmail account. this is where the excellent conversation recognisation kicks in, gmail sees it knows where it goes and hey presto your done
betatim> eigentlich net schlecht oder?
betatim> ich glaube ds blogge ich
betatim> ohja
heldensaga> lol
some query in psyc land
people smarter than you? HAW HAW.
Anonymous, at 15/1/05 01:09
any blog software for zope around? dont tell me I need plone
betatim, at 22/1/05 13:06
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